Troy Townshend
"Personal achievement through physical challenge."
Troy Townshend
Level Designs
This is my personal level for the game currently known as "Rewired". This is what was considered to be the Boulder Level. The boulder chases the player out of spawn down a long narrow pathway which is filled with holes but is also sticky for those bungie pulls. Without this, the boulder would crush you instantly or you fall into the lava; either way its a reset. (Watch out for speed running options here) Once the player reaches the end of the pathway, they fall (more like float) down a massive tube. At the bottom, you find a bunch of batteries, some charged where others aren't. Daisy chain them together with the electric wire and you make platforms rise from the lava sea. Jump across, but be careful, the pillars aren't as friendly as they seem. (Don't worry, I added check points for a reason) Jump across all the platforms to get to the Tight Rope Maze at the end to get to the exit door. Just be careful, because there is no turning back and respawn is a far ways away.
This is a more finalized version (polish not included) of the Boulder Level set to see release in the near future. The original hallway chase has been upgraded to a drop tunnel followed by a hallway chase which leads to a electrically powered rail for easy escape and travel to the second portion of the level.
The long tunnel which felt originally to long for a drop has been fixed with another rail allowing faster dropping (intended for speed runners). The bridge and batteries were replaced with platforms the player can connect via tightropes and walk across. The pendulums have remained relatively the same but have become more scattered and a cube destruction wall has been implemented to prevent cheesing and super easy access to the final platform as well as to provide challenge.
The final area comes from the end by the fan. Once at the top you have to get by a dropping boulder, similar to part one but don't follow it or you'll die. This is just to sneak a cross into a room filled with boulders crashing and smashing into one another. Getting past them leads to the final door way.
This is a prototype level calling for the use of every "Wire" in the game. This is multiwire challenge (vertical). This level is a tower climb that consists of bungee jumping, tight rope walking, spinning, and rappelling.
The use of electric rails and cubes comes into play, so be sure to watch your angles and platforms. You'll need them both to traverse the middle portions of the level.
The last part is a bit luck dealing. The spinning platforms are a bit finicky and sometimes the swing mechanic isn't always as functionally useful as I'd prefer. However, a couple trips around the bush should set the player back on the right track.
This is my personal level for the games currently known as "Rewired". This is a grey boxing level layout of the tutorial level for the electrical wire level.
The first room has a cube, a button (Which is on a timer), a door, and battery along with electrical panel. With the button pressed down, the battery will rise from the floor. The player must shoot an electrical wire from the battery to the panel, which opens a door. (don't forget the cube) On the other side of the door,
there is a battery, a sunken bridge, and a Operation Panel. Shoot the battery and connect it to the Operation Panel to raise the bridge and get across. Now, there is two solid pistons moving up and down blocking line of sight from a battery and reactor panel. Connect the two and the wire will still connect through the pistons which will active a moving platform. The moving platform will carry the player to the next section of the level.
In this area, you will have to daisy chain from a battery that is in constant motion to two reactor panels, which in turn will active an elevator. (Hope you still have that cube.) After going up on the elevator, jump off on to the next level where there will be a button to the player's left and a glass wall in front of them. When button is pressed, a maze rises from the floor along with a battery in the maze. There is only 7 seconds it stays up, so be quick. (Or have that cube from before). Tag the battery then the wall panel, which will stay active even if it falls through the floor; this opens a doorway into the final area. In the final area, ride a moving platform around to shoot a battery to open a door, get a block for the last button, and escape through the final exit door.
(Pictures need to be updated.)
2D Art and UI
These are place holder UI elements in an on going project called Tarot. Its a puzzle platformer where you build and interact in the world around you. Its based on arcane magic to create objects and use spells; hence Tarot cards.